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           So I heard that you are looking to enroll at Havana. Well the steps are easy. Just follow below!



1. Know which student package you want to get. Either the Deluxe or Standard. Visit our ABOUT tab at the top to see which package fits you. If you already know, head on to the next step. 


2. Visit our school landing point, pay the machine either 5L or 350L.


3. Wait for the Principal to contact you for your student tag.


4. Once you have recieved your student tag, you are free to enjoy High School Life. But you will need to get things like your student ID first and a locker. (Don't worry, the Principal will get you all caught up.)



Get a dorm

Join a sport or club


Meet new friends

Enjoy the hotspots on campus

Attend as many classes as you can

Be on time

Be friendly

Have a great time!


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