Become an HHS Diamond Today!
What is the Havana High school Girls club?
The Havana High school girls club is for any girl who attends HHS (that means all grades and ages are welcome:))
This club is a safe haven for you to express yourselves (you're fears and insecurities, your hopes and your dreams etc.)
During our club meeting I will provide you with tools to help improve your self confidence, and gain the courage to chase your dreams.
A few of the topics we will discuss: ♥ Self Love ♥ Body image ♥ Daring to be different ♥ Overcoming fear and creating the best high school years ever ♥ Love & overcoming Heartache ...And so much more.
Club Days and Times: Thursday's 3-4 slt
To get an application, visit the school and click on one of the posters around the inside of the school or contact your Club Leader, Ms. Skylar (skylarjade96)
This club is a place for you to be YOU and let your uniqueness SHINE!!!